Email Us
Dining Reservations are available on resy

Phone service is quite spotty at the farm and connections are frequently lost – we highly recommend emailing or sending a text message to 904 604 5131.* You are welcome to give us a ring, but you are much more likely to receive a quick and clear response by sending an email or a text message. You can also schedule a phone call.

*By texting Congaree and Penn, you agree to opt in to text message replies. We will not share your phone number, nor will we send marketing text messages. To opt out of messages, simply reply STOP.

Special Hours

March 29 Closed
April 18 11AM - 10PM
ThanksGiving Closed
Christmas Eve + Day Closed
New Years Eve + Day Closed

Regular Hours

Pro tips! Dining reservations for up to 10 guests are available on a 30 day rolling basis. Farm passes are available to purchase upon arrival.

Monday - Thursday Closed
Friday 4Pm - 10PM
Saturday 11am - 10pm
Sunday 11am - 10pm

11830 Old Kings Road JAcksonvillE FLorida 32219